Joe, Elizabeth, and Asha Visit Us

Posted here March 31, 2022

Joe, Elizabeth, and Asha were here from about 6 pm until 9 pm on Friday, May 25; they were on their way to Libertyville, Illinois, for Miranda Steiner’s wedding which was the next day. They dropped in again after the wedding, around 7 to 8 pm, on their way home.

Joe, Elizabeth, and Asha were here on Thursday September 6 for a single-day visit; they arrived at 12:17 am and left around 8:30 pm.

Asha warmed up to me nicely, allowing me to hold her a couple of times; she would take my hand and lead me to what she wanted to show me. At one point she entered the master bedroom, where Stormy (she could say the name as “Stohmy”) greeted her with a loud meow, scaring her. “Meow!” she exclaimed, running toward me with a terrified look on her face. I picked her up and reassured her that it was okay, and that Stormy just “talks” loudly.

Joe, Elizabeth, and Asha came here on Sunday, October 7, 2018, to live with us for a time. They brought their two male cats, Wisp and Spock, here on Monday, October 8; female Aurora had been here since Sunday, July 16, 2017.