Weather — January 2010

Date Day Low
Precipitation (inches)
1/31Sun 11.8°25.0°
Mostly sunny with light west winds
1/30Sat 6.6°27.3°Snow (trace)
A trace of light snow in the morning; otherwise mostly cloudy with light west winds
1/29Fri 1.4°16.0°
Fair, cold and generally calm
1/28Thu 5.2°17.8°
Clear and cold, with northwest winds
1/27Wed 6.1°23.7°
Fair and cold early, with westerly winds, then mostly cloudy until sundown
1/26Tue 18.7°26.8°
Cloudy with west winds and light snow early. Clearing after 6 p.m.
1/25Mon 29.3°31.8°Snow 0.3″
Cloudy early, with southwest winds. Occasional light snow afternoon and evening, with winds becoming westerly
1/24Sun 37.2°42.4°N/A
Light rain in the morning, then cloudy with southwest winds
1/23Sat 33°38.8°
Light fog in the morning, with east winds becoming southeast; fog intensified as day progressed
1/22Fri 30.4°34.5°
Cloudy with easterly breezes
1/21Thu 28.9°32.0°N/A
Cloudy with brisk easterly winds; occasional light freezing drizzle after noon
1/20Wed 18.9°32.9°
Becoming cloudy early, with easterly winds
1/19Tue 18.7°32.9°
Becoming mostly sunny, with light northwest winds becoming northeast after dark
1/18Mon 25.9°34.0°
Morning freezing fog, then cloudy; partly sunny in afternoon. Calm wind. Freezing fog late evening
1/17Sun 21.2°32.0°
Dense freezing fog early, with calm wind; then cloudy with light westerly winds
1/16Sat 21.9°29.3°
Cloudy with haze and southwest winds
1/15Fri 25.2°29.1°
Cloudy with calm wind becoming southwest after 6 p.m.
1/14Thu 27.1°38.5°
Cloudy and mild, with southwest winds becoming west
1/13Wed 15.1°32.5°
Fair with southwest winds
1/12Tue 18.7°29.1°
Clearing at sunrise, then fair and mild with calm wind becoming light southwest after noon
1/11Mon 14.2°26.6°
Mostly cloudy with a few flurries and light northwest winds becoming north late
1/10Sun -1.7°17.6°
Fair and cold, with southwest winds increasing; mostly cloudy after dark, with winds diminishing and a few flurries around 10 p.m. High reached in afternoon and again toward midnight
1/9Sat 2.5°17.8°
Fair and cold, with light northwest winds
1/8Fri 19.2°21.4°Snow (trace)
Light snow in the morning, with north winds; mostly cloudy after noon, with brief periods of sun
1/7Thu 17.4°25.7°Snow 4.0″
Snow, with generally calm winds; blustery north winds after 8 p.m.
1/6Wed 9.1°21.7°
Fair overnight; cloudy with light snow during the day. Winds generally calm
1/5Tue 12.7°21.9°
Cloudy early, with northwest winds; snow flurries around 9 a.m. then becoming fair
1/4Mon 5.5°20.8°
Mostly cloudy after sunrise, with northwest winds; fair midday to early evening, then mostly cloudy again
1/3Sun -1.7°16.0°
Cloudy in morning, becoming fair before noon; very cold with light northwest winds
1/2Sat 0.0°10.6°
Fair and very cold; light northwest winds becoming north
1/1Fri 4.6°20.7°
Variable cloudiness, with light northwest breezes