Books I Haven’t Read
February 4, 2003
My dad, Victor Petitt, made up 150 phony book titles, complete
with authors’ names to go with them. A few may be corny or even a
little bit lame, but most of them are hilarious gems of wit. They
provide only a tantalizing glimpse of Dad’s sharp sense of humor.
The original list appears on this page. I have only corrected
a few spelling errors in the titles; the author names remain intact.
Also, no offense is intended to racial minorities or little people.
Several of our own phoney book titles are listed at Books I Never Read on our
Shorts 2002 page.
- Flowers and Thorns by Rose Bush
- The Burglar by Jimmy Locks
- The Rock Star by Kenny Singh
- The Outlaw by Robin Banks
- Taking a Chance by Willie Duwitt
- Breaking the Record by Betty Kant
- Ape Man by Harry Oliver
- The Wedding by June Bride
- Tornado by August Storm
- Spring Rain by April Showers
- The Doctor by Justin Case
- The Garden by May Flowers
- The Picture by Ima Painter
- Old Cars by Stu D. Baker
- World Traveler by Ben Dare
- The Cyclist by Sue Zuki
- The Sunset by Scarlet Sky
- The Oil Man by Tex Aco
- The Bouquet by Red Flowers
- The Weather Man by Sonny Day
- Cakes and Cookies by I. Emma Cook
- Winning by Vic Tory
- Christmas Time by Carol Singer
- Attacked in the Wild by Bob Katz
- Track Star by Ron Quick
- Money Broker by Len Mesum
- Horsing Around by Tom Foolery
- The Toy Maker by Dolly Dresser
- The Drunk by Al Kahol
- The Music Man by Sarah Nader
- The Teenager by Bobby Socks
- Road Kill by Ron Overum
- The Tightwad by Penny Pincher
- A Child’s Toy by Ted E. Bare
- End of the World by Hope Knot
- Australian Animals by Ken Garoo
- Country Living by Dusty Rhodes
- Girl Scouts by Cookie Baker
- Harrassment by Fannie Patter
- The Millionaire by Rich Mann
- Multi-Millionaire by Rich Err
- The Duplicate by Sam Ting
- The Prankster by Jess Foolin
- A Friend of the Groom by Bess Mann
- The Fat Lady by Ada Lott
- Calories by Candy Barr
- Chinese Taxi by Ricky Shaw
- Win the Lottery by May Knott
- Minorities by I. M. Black
- The Desert by Sandy Valley
- The Stunt Man by Manny Bumps
- Frogs by Lily Pond
- Fishing by Rod Enreel
- The Church by Doris Opun
- Pasta by Mack A. Roney
- Prison Camp by Barb Wyer
- Noise by Jack Hammer
- The Comic by Joe Kerr
- The Wood Cutter by Tim Burr
- The Squeaking Door by Rusty Hinges
- The Cold Spell by Donna Jacket
- The Postman Gets Through by Helen Highwater
- The Military by Joy Nupp
- The Bakery by Shari Pye
- The Bargain by Val Yoo
- Petty Crime by Miss Demeaner
- Close Friends by Carol Ott
- The Ballet Suit by Leo Tards
- Marsupials by Wally B.
- The Failure by Lou Zir
- The Pickpocket by Rob M. Quick
- Japanese Coffee by Tokyo Joe
- A Fairy Tale by Cindy Rella
- The Housewife by Kit Chen
- Losing Money by Will Gamble
- Killing Time by Wade A. Lott
- Learning by Ed G. Kayshin
- Shopping Spree by Phillip D. Cart
- Strolling by Jay Walker
- Whiskers by Fuzzy Chin
- Disgusting by U. R. Sik
- Flat Tire by Jack Upit
- Living Without T.V. by Ray Deo
- Long Hot Summer by Mel Ting
- Off the Mark by Mister A. Mile
- The Tutor by Page Turner
- Midgets by Tiny Fellows
- Bankrupt by Ben Rich
- The Pet Box by Kitty Litter
- Saint Nick by Sandy Clause
- Nothing to Do by Lou Sends
- A Helping Hand by Shirly Wood
- The Funeral by Paul Bearer
- Small For His Age by Willie Grow
- That’s a Good One by Jim Dandy
- Virginia by Carrie Mebak
- Tired by Tucker Dout
- Horn Blower by Ken Toot
- The Pirate by Peg Leg
- Long Cool Drink by Bev Rage
- The Visit by Pop Inagen
- The Holdup by Hanna Dover
- The Drunk Driver by Rex A. Lott
- Exercise by Ben Down
- The Sunrise by Earl E. Bird
- Giving Up by Chuck Itall
- Cute Babies by Wanda Kissum
- Religion by Sal Vation
- Man’s Best Friend by Terry Err
- The Funeral by Barry Debody
- Making Hay by Al Falfa
- Battery by Ray Ovac
- Paintings by Art Dealer
- The Meadow by Timothy Grass
- The Lion Act by Kitty Trainer
- The Horseman by Rhoda Lott
- The Coming Out Party by Debby U. Tant
- Condominium by Sharon Homes
- Contamination by Tess D. Waters
- Noël by Mary Holiday
- Believe It or Not by Horace Fedders
- The Forecast by Faron Colder
- The Nightmare by Gladys Over
- Heating Up by Luke Warm
- The Ball Player by Homer Hitter
- Jewelry by Ruby Ring
- Sky Diving by Darrin A. Jump
- Sleepless by Liza Wake
- Leprechauns by Tiny Peoples
- Fishing by Barry Cuda
- Captivity by Bon Dage
- Picking Up Leaves by Ray King
- Bird Watching by Bob O. Link
- Making Waves by Rock Debote
- Portrait Painter by Stan Still
- Communication by Meg A. Hertz
- Slimy Creatures by Liz Ard
- Crowning the King by Cora Nashon
- Goblins by Hol Oween
- Graduation by Sarah Moeny
- History by Warren Peace
- Blushing by Rosey Cheeks
- The Error by Amos Stake
- Missing by Van Isht
- Making Progress by Howie Dooin
- Training by Abel N. Reddy
- The Vote by Allen Favor
- Hunting Clams by Pearl Diver
- Freedom by Don Fensmein (editor’s note: Don’t Fence-Me-In)
- Funeral Director by Mort Ishen