Weather — February 2011

Date Day Low
Precipitation (inches)
2/28Mon 24.4°35.4°
Clearing by morning. Sunny with a north breeze which shifted to northwest by 9 a.m. Calm by nightfall
2/27Sun 16.5°37.4°
Cloudy with light northeast breezes becoming north late
2/26Sat 15.4°22.1°Snow 1.5″
Snow overnight (1.0″); calm winds becoming light northeast. More snow from late morning through evening (0.5″)
2/25Fri 24.8°35.4°Next day
Few flurries overnight. Variably cloudy with north winds diminishing to calm. Light snow after 8 p.m.
2/24Thu 31.1°34.5°
Overnight fog, then cloudy with a light northerly wind
2/23Wed 25.3°33.3°
Cloudy with a light southerly wind
2/22Tue 21.0°32.7°Snow 1.5″
Snow ending by sunrise. Mostly cloudy with light northeast winds diminishing
2/21Mon 22.8°31.5°Next day
Temp fell all day but hovered at 27.7° from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Cloudy with east winds and a few flurries; light snow after 8 p.m.
2/20Sun 24.1°34.5°Rain (N/A); Snow (trace)
Cloudy early, with an east wind. Light rain after 8 a.m. East winds increasing after 2 p.m. Light snow between 9 and 11 p.m.
2/19Sat 20.8°36.3°
Winds diminished and shifted clockwise overnight. The day was fair with an east breeze
2/18Fri 31.5°44.2°
Fair with a strong west breeze
2/17Thu 39.0°53.1°
Cloudy with south winds increasing after 10 a.m. Clearing around 8 p.m. with winds switching to west
2/16Wed 31.8°46.9°
Sunny early; gradually increasing clouds and some fog. Light southerly breezes
2/15Tue 25.7°44.1°Rain (N/A)
Fair early, with a south wind. Cloudy from midday onward, with a bit of light rain toward evening
2/14Mon 38.7°44.1°
Cloudy early, with a strong west breeze; clearing by late morning, with northwest winds diminishing
2/13Sun 26.8°45.3°
Mostly sunny with a strong southwest breeze
2/12Sat 19.2°40.3°
Fair before 10 a.m. then cloudy, with a south breeze
2/11Fri 0.1°27.9°Snow 0.1″
Cloudy and calm in the morning. Airport low was -6°. Occasional light snow and flurries. Warmer late (afternoon high was 24.8°)
2/10Thu -7.2°16.9°
Sunny and cold, with a light southwest wind. Airport low was -13°
2/9Wed 0.5°13.3°
Sunny and cold, with a light west wind
2/8Tue 7.5°15.8°Snow 0.1″
Light snow early morning, then sunny with a northwest wind. Sharply colder after dark (6.6° at 5:30 p.m.)
2/7Mon 19.6°31.8°Snow 0.6″
Cloudy with little or no wind; morning flurries; light snow in evening
2/6Sun 19.4°31.6°Snow 4.4″
Snow ending around noon; calm winds becoming light northerly
2/5Sat 13.3°33.3°
Becoming mostly cloudy with winds calm to light southwest
2/4Fri 5.9°24.1°
Sunny with southwest winds
2/3Thu -3.1°16.7°
Fair and cold, with southwest winds
2/2Wed 15.1°23.9°Snow 9.6″ since last measurement (storm total 11.6″)
Snow ending after 9 a.m. but strong north winds caused blowing and drifting. Partly sunny after 11 a.m. Gradual clearing with winds diminishing and shifting to northwest
2/1Tue 16.0°22.3°Snow 0.8″ to 10:30 a.m.
Snow; northeast winds increasing after 1 p.m. Snow increasing after 3 p.m. Blizzard conditions in the city after 6 p.m.