Weather — June 2011

Date Day Low
Precipitation (inches)
6/30Thu 61.9°93.4°
Sunny early, with a fairly strong south breeze. More humid (dew point near 70°). Becoming mostly cloudy by late afternoon. (Airport temp extremes were 59° and 90°)
6/29Wed 59.7°87.6°
Sunny with light and variable winds
6/28Tue 61.2°83.1°
Sunny and less humid, with a northwest breeze
6/27Mon 66.0°84.6°
Mostly cloudy with southwest breezes. Clearing after 7 p.m. with lighter west breezes
6/26Sun 59.4°83.5°
Fair skies and southeast breezes becoming east after 6 p.m.
6/25Sat 57.2°82.4°
Fair except for a few afternoon clouds; little or no breeze
6/24Fri 60.3°72.3°
Cloudy with a northwest breeze
6/23Thu 64.4°71.1°Rain 0.08″
Overnight and morning drizzle; cloudy with west winds
6/22Wed 68.0°77.4°Rain (trace)
Cloudy with a brisk southwest wind, and occasional showers
6/21Tue 68.4°91.8°Rain 0.03″
Clouds and a bit of sun, with a south wind; brief shower around 2 p.m.
6/20Mon 66.0°86.2°
Cloudy in the morning, with calm wind. Some sun in the early afternoon, then cloudy again
6/19Sun 65.3°87.3°
Partly sunny and humid, with generally calm wind
6/18Sat 63.1°86.9°
Fair in the morning; partly sunny in the afternoon. Easterly breezes
6/17Fri 62.8°85.3°
Sunny with an east breeze
6/16Thu 59.2°84.0°Rain 0.03″
A bit of rain around 4 a.m. Partly sunny with light west breezes
6/15Wed 60.3°71.2°Rain 0.74″
Rain 3:30 to 7 a.m. (0.47″) and again 2 to 5 p.m. (0.27″) Cloudy with southeast winds becoming calm after the rains
6/14Tue 55.6°78.1°
Partly sunny with an east breeze; clouding up after 7 p.m.
6/13Mon 59.7°76.8°
Sunny with a light east breeze
6/12Sun 52.9°71.6°
Mostly sunny with a northeast breeze
6/11Sat 58.8°65.7°Rain 0.03″
A bit of rain overnight, then cloudy with a light north breeze. A bit of sun before nightfall
6/10Fri 52.7°69.1°Rain 0.56″
Rain 2 to 7 a.m. Cloudy with easterly breezes
6/9Thu 58.8°62.6°Rain 2.36″
Occasional thunderstorms through 3 a.m. Light rain around 8 a.m. (trace amount), then cloudy and chilly, with east to northeast breezes. Low temp around noon; high in mid afternoon
6/8Wed 76.8°94.3°Next day
Early low (about sunrise) was 77.4°. Few sprinkles around 8 a.m. then partly sunny with southwest winds. Thunderstorm around 8:30 p.m. with high winds and heavy rain; storms tapered but continued into the night
6/7Tue 74.5°98.8°
Sunny and hot, with southwest breezes
6/6Mon 64.4°97.0°
Mostly cloudy 5 to 9 a.m. then clearing; becoming hot with strong south breezes
6/5Sun 63.9°91.0°
Fair with moderate humidity, and winds calm to light and variable
6/4Sat 74.3°90.3°
Sunny with southwest breezes early, becoming northerly after 9 a.m. Humidity decreasing dramatically by late afternoon
6/3Fri 61.9°93.0°
Cloudy before sunrise, then sunny, warmer and humid with fairly strong south winds
6/2Thu 57.6°76.1°
Variable clouds with east winds becoming southeast
6/1Wed 59.4°80.2°
Sunny with a strong west wind; calm after dark