Weather — May 2009

High readings (in parentheses) on sunny days through May 19 may be up to 4 degrees high due to sensor placement, as the sun strikes the porch for a portion of the afternoon. The sensor was moved late on May 19, so high readings from May 20 onward should be viewed as accurate.

Date Day Low
Precipitation (inches)
5/31Sun 47.5°75.0°Rain 0.04″
Sunny and mild
5/30Sat 53.1°75.6°
Cloudy early, with a bit of rain; clearing after 1 p.m.
5/29Fri 55.2°73.6°
Partly cloudy early, then cloudy, becoming mostly sunny before 2 p.m.
5/28Thu 54.7°69.1°
Cloudy with northwest winds; clearing by nightfall
5/27Wed 57.6°60.4°Rain 0.87″
Cloudy with occasional light rain (0.75″ fell overnight to 8:44 a.m. today)
5/26Tue 55.8°76.5°
Mostly cloudy; some sun in late afternoon. Rain in evening
5/25Mon 53.1°71.8°
Fair overnight; becoming mostly cloudy after 7 a.m. with east wind around 15 mph
5/24Sun 61.9°77.0°
Variable clouds; becoming clear after 5 p.m.
5/23Sat 56.7°85.3°
Mostly cloudy, with some hazy sun
5/22Fri 61.7°73.2°
Cloudy AM; mostly sunny PM
5/21Thu 60.8°86.5°
Variable clouds
5/20Wed 60.1°85.3°
Sunny and breezy
5/19Tue 52.9°(87.3)°
Sunny and warmer
5/18Mon 42.3°(66.7)°
Cloudy 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; otherwise mostly sunny
5/17Sun 40.1°(67.3)°
Sunny and pleasant, with light breezes
5/16Sat 52.5°(62.2)°
Becoming sunny by 9 a.m.; strong northwest winds
5/15Fri 54.9°61.7°
Cloudy; few sprinkles
5/14Thu 50.7°(67.1)°
Mostly sunny and breezy
5/13Wed 54.1°67.1°Rain 0.75″
Occasional rain early AM (0.20″); thunderstorms in evening (0.55″). Temp reached 66.0° at mid-afternoon but peaked again late in evening
5/12Tue 42.6°(75.6)°
Sunny with southerly breezes, strong at times
5/11Mon 48.2°(67.1)°
Mostly cloudy, clearing by late afternoon
5/10Sun 41.7°64.4°
Mostly cloudy; some sun at times
5/9Sat 50.2°60.3°Rain 0.35″
Windy with rain early AM, then cloudy; clearing late
5/8Fri 50.4°(79.9)°
Mostly sunny midday, otherwise cloudy; light rain late
5/7Thu 58.3°76.1°Rain 0.35″
Some light rain overnight; becoming partly sunny
5/6Wed 54.5°73.4°Rain 0.08″
Cloudy with occasional light rain; thunderstorm after 5 p.m.
5/5Tue 53.8°(74.5)°
Mostly cloudy, clearing by mid-afternoon
5/4Mon 44.8°(77.5)°
Fair and mild
5/3Sun 40.6°(74.1)°
Fair and mild
5/2Sat 43.9°(67.1)°
Fair and mild; breezy in afternoon
5/1Fri 49.8°59.5°
Cloudy and cool; some afternoon sun; clearing by evening

Rainfall amounts on this page are converted from millimeters to inches.