The “Mmm” of ’11

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Updated Friday, January 14, 2011

Back in 2009 I wrote two postings to Oo’s Writings; both of them concerned something I call “mmming,” which is a sort of moaning, whining sound I make when life gets so messed up that it seems unbearable. I mentioned it briefly in the only post for 2010, but my last post left it out entirely.

For us—and probably most people, for that matter—January is often the saddest month of the year. 1989 was a notable exception, being the year our only child was born in January. But coming right after the holidays, when you’re broke, and in the dead of winter, when illnesses and car failures abound, January normally doesn’t stand much chance of being a happy month. Well, here we are. Let me introduce to you the “Mmm” of ’11:

  1. Our car is out of commission for a few more days, having blown a lower seal in the power steering rack. We’ve faced several challenges trying to get rides lately. The repair will cost $350, which will set us behind temporarily on our bills. Mmmmmmm.
  2. Wendi’s fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis have flared up, mainly due to cold weather, so she has been in a lot of pain; this tends to limit her ability to be active. Mmmmm.
  3. I (Charlie) have suffered from some digestive illness the past two days. Don’t know why exactly, but I hope it’s short-lived. I had to cancel playing keyboard and singing at a nursing home service today, and I’m not sure they were able to replace me on short notice. Mmmmm.
  4. A young lady Wendi works with was recently rushed to the hospital with pneumonia and dehydration. Mmmmm.
  5. A dear old gentleman in our church passed away last Saturday night in a local nursing home. Mmmmm.

Thankfully, none of these circumstances promise to keep us down for long. But pray for us if you’re so inclined. It feels wrong to be “mmming” again so soon, after the recent victories that put this all behind us.

Additional “Mmms”

  1. There was some drama in Wendi’s family on and around Wednesday, January 12. I am not at liberty to elaborate, nor would I care to.
  2. Another gentleman in our church passed away early Wednesday morning.

Resolved “Mmms”

  1. Our car was returned, fixed, on Thursday, January 13 at 4:20 p.m. I learned that an exhaust leak may be fixable for as little as $80. Obviously it will have to wait a few weeks, but the good news is that we can still make our bills this month, if we juggle a bit.
  2. Wendi is still sore but functional. Her spirits are up somewhat. She had a migraine and sinus headache on Thursday, January 13, but it was gone by day’s end.
  3. My own illness cleared up by early Wednesday morning, January 12. I’ve felt strong and healthy since.
  4. The young lady mentioned in #4 above has recovered and went home on Thursday, January 13, though she still has a lot of congestion.
  5. The family drama blew over in a day or so.
  6. Memorial service for the first of the two gentlemen was held Friday morning, January 14.
  7. Funeral for the second gentleman will be held on Saturday, January 15.