Once Per Century: 11/11/11

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A week from tomorrow, the six-digit date will consist of six of the same numeral; this can only happen once in a century! Think about it: the month or day can never be 00 (though the year was exactly that in 2000), and the month can never be greater than 12, so even 22 is out of the question. Cool, eh?

Just a couple more things: here in the U.S. it will be Veterans Day. Canadians will observe Remembrance Day at the same time. But even in Europe, where the date format is day/month/year instead of month/day/year (as here in the U.S.), the date will be the same: 11/11/11.

Our sincere hope is that the day of 11/11/11 will be a good one for you. It’s a day that occurs only once in most lifetimes… and not at all for many.