Version 22 Appears

Posted February 17, 2022
Updates and Further Progress below
Last Updated May 2, 2022

Version 22 of The Oo Kingdom officially went live at 10:17 pm on February 6, 2022. I’ve removed styling for the article element, so I can remove those from all pages (they’re pointless on this site, as there is never more than one article on a page). There has been much streamlining of the stylesheet and numerous improvements, some to make certain pages more mobile-friendly. Implementation of the embedded Charter font has been improved, resulting in faster page loading and better rendering. Devices which have the Charter font installed will use that instead of downloading it from the site.

As for appearance, the new version looks very similar to Version 21 (after some experiments with different designs). A few colors have been changed: the navigation sidebars now have a plain white background, and the link colors are slightly different.

So far, part of 2004 and all of 2005 in Oo’s Writings remains in old Version 16 markup that is 14 years old; this should be remedied soon. The other pages will need a minor makeover, but the look and functionality will be much as it is now.

I’m currently adding a bunch of new pages in Oo’s Writings in an attempt to “fill in the blanks,” as many events have occurred since the site has received its due attention. All of 2018 and 2019 are new; the Granddaughter page (2016) and the Renovation page (2020), as well as several pages in 2022, are also new.


February 20, 9:18 pm: As of 3:51 pm on February 18, all of the very old pages in Oo’s Writings have been converted to the new version. That said, many pages still have source codes (markup) from Version 21, but that will work with the new style sheet with almost no difference from the new pages.

I’m currently in the process of converting pages from Version 21 to Version 22; this involves only removing a few unused tags, and in many cases, converting the escaped special characters to plain punctuation (see Silly Me for details). So far, the following sections have been fully converted to Version 22:

As of 11:39 pm on February 28, all of the primary domain has been converted to Version 22, and all pages check as valid HTML. Now to finish the posts in this section that are missing…

Further Progress

Oo’s Writings:
The missing posts are complete, as of April 21, 2022. They go back as far as 2009 (!) and are linked from the Old “News” Posts page.
Pancake Riot:
The original single page was replaced by an updated section on April 6 and 7, 2022; additional links were added on April 30.
Humor and Inspirational:
Several pages were added to Just for Laughs, and one page in A Heavenly Ummamum, on April 28, 2022.
Picture Gallery
Image floats now work as intended (or don’t happen on small screens, as appropriate), thanks to updated server-side scripting and style sheets; this was done on April 29, 2022.
Home page
Moved “Latest Additions” off the navigation bar and onto the main page content area; removed Google search, as it doesn’t find stuff on our site well anymore. Added two “Hidden” links. This was done on April 30, 2022.